Norfolk July 2017 Competition
Norfolk July 2017 Competition Home
The Basics
- Runs from July 1 - July 31, 2017
- Any team that forms and joins the competition by July 10 is eligible
- It's free to download the app and create a team. Teams must be created and entered into the competition through the app, not on this web site.
- It's free to participate as an individual or as a team in the competition
- Competing as an individual: On June 25'th or after be signed into the app and go to the "Competitions" area and join the July Norfolk Competition
- Competing as a team: Form your team through the month of June and then on June 25'th have the team "Manager" go to the web portal (www.wellnessteams.org) and register your team
- You don't need a Fitbit or Apple Watch to gather many types of points but for your steps to count you do
Our list of prizes will be expanded up until the actual launch of the competition and even afterward. Some prizes we've already lined up for the winners:
- 5 Catered lunches for the winning teams at their place of work
- 20 Spa treatments
- 20 Massage treatments
- 100 Official competition tee shirts
- Passes to City of Norfolk Rec Centers
- Tickets with lunch to a Norfolk Tides game
We’re keeping the rules really simple for this our first competition. We'll complicate things later.
- Any individual or team, regardless of where you reside, can participate and it’s FREE
- Winners of the competition are determined by the average number of points accumulated by team members (or the individual) for the month of July
- Individual and team prize winnings will be redeemed at a (soon to be) specified date and place in Norfolk, Virginia. As a practical matter this implies that for winners to get their prizes they probably need to live in the Hampton Roads area
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